Using regular Ender pearls to create working portals is simply brilliant, making one wonder how many more implicit mechanics are still hidden in the game. It’s outright incredible that functionality, seemingly exclusive to Minecraft mods, can be replicated in the vanilla client without too much effort. One of them, a hidden word inscribed on End Crystal’s facets, has been recently revealed thanks to an inquisitive player. The discovery was made in vanilla Minecraft, which to date hosts a number of mysteries. That being said, the author admitted to researching the majority of these mechanics on the Internet, although it is worth noting that the portal invention belongs to The_PJG. The_PJG is also working on a map that would contain various other inventions based on Ender pearls’ tricky mechanics, but the featured demonstration is already a display of the player’s ingenuity. When a player activates one chamber, one of the columns in the other room disappears via a series of Redstone signals, dropping the pearl on the ground and activating the actual teleportation sequence. Since the columns are going in opposite directions, a dropped pearl floats right in between.

Inside each room is 2 by 2 space, which has two multidirectional bubble columns in the water. According to the player, the only manual part is placing the pearls in both the portal chambers.

While the setup is easy and fun to replicate, the idea behind the concept is quite complicated. The invention was demonstrated via a short video, in which the author also showed an intricate Redstone design required for portal chambers to work. Using the hidden functionality of Minecraft’s Ender pearls, Redditor The_PJG managed to create working portals without relying on any mods or cheats. Related: Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Update Part 1 Release Date Announced The concept might be slightly tricky to pull off at the very start, but after successfully launching in the air, players can potentially create full-on flying caravans by adding more saddled pigs to the equation. All it takes is for the elytra-equipped player to hold a pig on a leash while the other gamer is peacefully riding the animal using a saddle. One of the latest inventions by Minecraft players in the vanilla client was a technique of sharing elytra flights using pigs and leashes. Funnily enough, inquisitive fans of the survival title are regularly discovering seemingly impossible ways of using basic items and their combinations. One ingenious Minecraft player managed to create working portal chambers in the vanilla game without using any mods.