Any email larger than 20mb will be rejected. How do text message attachments work As you would with an email, locate the file you want to attach from your computer and Messenger will convert this to a. Note: For incoming emails, there is a size limit of 20mb including attachments. The size limit on individual attachments is 40mb and there is currently no limit on the number of attachments that can be uploaded. While uploading, attachments are scanned for harmful viruses, and if one is detected, then the file is quarantined and will not be accessible. However, you should take care not to share linked attachments publicly. By default, linked attachments are not indexed by search engines and are not predictable. When uploaded, attachments become linked attachments, which is standard treatment for email and message deliverability purposes. Note: Attachments are not currently available through Twitter.

The max file size and time length, though, are 1.75 GB and 45 minutes. You can upload videos with unlimited bitrates, up to 1 Gigabyte in size. When you try to upload files bigger than 25MB, Facebook Messenger display a error message stating that 25MB is the limit (hey!).Īlso to know is, what is the longest video you can send on Facebook Messenger?